Sitemap - 2019 - In the future, everyone will be famous for 15Mb
Digital currency is getting serious
OK, I promise, no more Bitcoin analysis
The real "challenger" banking business model is data, not money
Smart banknotes, dumb banknotes or no banknotes?
The Birchers. An Everyday Story of Payment Folk. Part 97: Cheques, Mate
Some off-the-cuff comments on in-the-cuff payments
Where's "Sign in with Barclays"?
SHCs are sick, as the kids say
SIBOS, Star Trek and the end of Bretton Woods
China's digital currency may set the benchmark, not Libra
Margaret Attwood, Kenneth Rogoff and William Gibson (and me)
Libra and Calibra... Tired: KYC. Wired: KYZ.
Digital identity in the UK - Will big banks or big techs deliver it?
Innovation in blockchain innovation
US cashless backlash: why punish retailers?
FaceCoin or FacePESA, Zuckbucks are a winner
Actually, I think there is a link between AI and the blockchain
Break them up? No, open them up!
Mark Carney (and me) and digital ID