You've got fail
[Dave Birch] Yes, I know you're not supposed to substitute anecdotes about your kids for real research, knowledge and insight into the future of society, but I've been reflecting on an exchange with my own Generation W (as in W for "whatever") earlier in the day, and thought it was something worth sharing. It's a small window into the near-term future of online communications.
My eldest son was walking into Waitrose with me when he took out his iPhone and said "Wow! amazing - Andy wasn't lying! - He sent me some iPhone wallpaper he designed". I thought his slur on Andy's design skills was harsh, and told him so. "No," he said, "I mean that he said he was going to e-mail them to me, and I thought he was just saying that, because no-one uses e-mail."
In the future, everyone will beĀ famous for fifteen megabytes