Working (?) lunch
A couple of years ago I was interviewed on the BBC television programme "Working Lunch", shortly after which it was taken of the air and is sadly now only a memory. It happened to be on a day in the school holidays and I was taking my sons into London to go to a movie or something, so I brought them along with me. The BBC were very kind hosts and let the boys come and see the gallery while I was being interviewed. This was quite exciting for them so they shot some video with their phones. Later on, I thought it would be funny to put the "making of" documentary up with the interview on our family YouTube channel (which is password-protected and only viewed by family members). I hadn't looked at it for ages, but I was showing to a family friend the other day and I noticed that the soundtrack cut out. Why? Well, there's a weird comment appeared with the video that says something about copyright!
Those BBC bastards! I'm a licence payer, and if I want to include a clip from an old episode of Working Lunch on my private YouTube channel because I WAS BEING INTERVIEWED then I should be allowed to it.
In the future, everyone will be famous for fifteen megabytes