TEDdy bear
A few years ago, while banging my head against the brick wall that was Her Majesty’s Government’s ID Cards scheme, I had an idea for trying to explain what technology could do to deliver a better national identity infrastructure for the 21st century: use Dr. Who’s “psychic paper” as the narrative pivot, much as the technologists of a previous generation used the Star Trek “Communicator” as the template for the mobile phone.
What was an amusing notion for a talk at a small conference took hold and I developed the concept in a paper that was published in the Journal of Identity in the Information Society back in 2009 [here] and evolved the idea of the "Psychic ID".
what started off as an idea in a discussion -- basically, trying to visualise 21st-century digital identity management using Dr. Who's psychic paper as a reference point, having given up on trying to explain keys, certificates and all the rest of the crypto-infrastructure -- became a presentation and then a paper and finally a peer-reviewed paper that I'm rather proud of. I've found a way to explain to non-technical audiences -- well, British non-technical audiences at least -- that the combination of widely-available devices and intelligence can deliver an identity management infrastructure that can achieve much more than they imagine.
[From Digital Identity: I can see an article of some sort. Anyone called David?]
The idea went down tolerably well, so when I was very kindly invited to give my first TEDx talk at Sussex University I thought I’d give it a try. It was actually very difficult to know what to present. We ran through it a couple of times at the office, but I wasn't sure who would be in the audience or what they would be interested in so it was hard to judge to contact. Anyway, it seemed to go down OK on the day, and I was quite excited when I got a link to a video of the talk.
When I saw the video, I was horrified! Points not made properly, interrupted trains of thought, stupid jokes in the wrong place (or half completed, including a good joke about banks having problems with id management), a series of distractions, key points not made properly, too many slides with variable pacing... I could go on. I rather pride myself on presenting as my only comparative advantage and contribution to Consult Hyperion, so I was, to say the least, not very happy with it.
Hence I was astonished, and genuinely flattered, to get an e-mail informing me that my talk was one of the less than one in a hundred of the TEDx talks that are shown on the main TED site. And as of today, there it is.
I won't get over this for a while.
In the future, everyone will be famous for fifteen megabytes