My first choice
[Dave Birch] As some of you may know, there was a referendum on voting in the UK, asking the British public (a fifth of whom are functionally illiterate) what the best system for electing a Parliament is. Why anyone thought that the public might be qualified to make this kind of decision is unclear to me -- I'm with Polly Toynbee on this in thinking that the level of ignorance in our once-great nation is so high as to call the universal franchise into question -- but they were being asked to choose between the current "first past the post" system and a proposed "alternative vote" (AV) system whereby second, third, fourth and, indeed, Nth choices. Natural conservatism won out and we voted to keep things exactly the same as they are. But other more innovative people are exploring alternatives.
Having worked with Facebook and various broadcasters over recent months, MIG has successfully integrated the IBP with Facebook, giving fans of some of the world’s most popular participation TV shows the ability to place real-time votes, and enter polls and sweepstake competitions using their Facebook Credits virtual currency.
Never mind AV, or whatever it's called, here's a way to improve the participation in the political process in the UK. Since 1 in 6 web page views in the UK are currently Facebook, then why not simply use this open and transparent mechanism. We could simply elect the MP with the most Facebook friends in the constituency, or the one with the most "likes". The kids could understand that. But I propose using the mechanism in the best way possible.
To use the system, fans of a participation TV show access the show’s Facebook Page, where they can buy votes using Facebook Credits,
Aha! There's an honesty to this. If you care a lot about something, then you'll buy some more votes. Alternatively, pressure groups could stockpile Facebook credits and then use them to support candidates. Everything would be above board and instead of a system of hidden bribes and promises, the public could see who exactly had bought the rotten boroughs.
In the future, everyone will be famous for fifteen megabytes