Here's bibliography from "Before Babylon, Beyond Bitcoin"
In case anyone finds it useful, here’s the full bibliography from Before Babylon, Beyond Bitcoin…
Birch, D. (Ed.) Digital Identity Management–Technological, Business and Social Implications. Gower (Farnham, UK: 2007).
Birch, D. Identity is the New Money. London Publishing Partnership (London, UK: 2014).
Boyle, D. The Money Changers. Earthscan (London: 2002).
Bray, H. You Are Here. Perseus (New York: 2014).
Brown, J and P. Duguid. The Social Life of Information. Harvard Business School Press (Boston: 2000).
Chittenden, O. (Ed.) The Future of Money, Virgin (London, UK: 2010).
Christensen, C. The Innovator’s Dilemma—When new technologies cause great firms to fail. Harvard Business School Press (Boston: 1997).
Cohen, B. The Future of Money. Princeton University Press (Princeton, NJ: 2006).
Conway, E. The Summit—The Biggest Battle of the Second World War. Little, Brown (London, UK: 2014).
Coyle, D. Paradoxes of Prosperity—Why the new Capitalism benefits all. Texere (New York, NY: 2001).
Coyle, D. Sex, Drugs and Economics—An Unconventional Introduction to Economics. Texere (London, UK: 2002).
Coyle, D. Sex, Weightless World: Strategies for Managng the Digital Economy. Capstone (Oxford, UK: 1997).
Davies, Prof. G. A History of Money from Ancient Times to the Present Day. University of Wales Press (1994).
Del Mar, A. A History of Money in Ancient Countries from the Earliest Times to the Present. George Bell & Sons (London:1885). Reprint Kessinger Publishing.
Desan, C. Making Money—Coin, Currency and the Coming of Capitalism. Oxford University Press (Oxford, UK: 2014)
Eco, U. Travels in Hyperreality. Picador (London, UK: 1987).
Edgerton, D. The Shock of the Old—Technology and Global History Since 1900. Profile (London, UK: 2006).
Friedman, F. Money Mischief. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (Orlando, FL: 1992).
Goetzmann, W. Money Changes Everything—How finance made civilization possible. Princeton University Press (Princeton, NJ: 2016).
Hart, K. The Memory Bank. Profile (London, UK: 1999).
Hock, D. One from Many—VISA and the Rise of the Chaordic Organisation. Berrett-Koehler (San Francisco, CA: 2005).
King, B. Bank 3.0. Marshall Cavendish International (Tarrytown NY: 2013).
King, M. The End of Alchemy. Little, Brown (London: 2016).
Lanier. Who Owns The Future. Allen Lane (London, UK: 2013).
Lewis, M. Moneyball. W.W. Norton (New York, NY: 2003).
Mayer, M. The Bankers—The Next Generation. Plume (New York, NY: 1998).
Nocera, J. A Piece of the Action—How the Middle Class Joined the Money Class. Simon & Schuster (New York: 1994).
Omwansa, T. and N. Sullivan. Money, Real Quick: The story of M-PESA. Guardian Books (London: 2012).
Sargent, T. and F. Velde. The Big Problem of Small Change. Economic History of the Western World series. Princeton University Press (Princeton, NJ: 2002).
Schewe, P. The Grid: A Journey Through the Heart of Our Electrified World. Joseph Henry Press (Washington, DC: 2007).
Schneier, B. Secrets and lies—Digital security in a networked world. Wiley Computer Publishing (New York, NY: 2000).
Seabright, P. The company of strangers: a natural history of economic life. Princeton University Press (Woodstock, UK: 2005).
Seidensticker, B. Future Hype–The Myths of Technology Change. Berrett-Koehler (San Francisco, CA: 2006).
Shenton, C. The Day Parliament Burned Down. Oxford University Press (Oxford: 2012).
Slegin, G. Good Money—Birmingham Button Makers, the Royal Mint, and the Beginnings of Modern Coinage 1775-1821. University of Michigan Press (Ann Arbor, MI: 2008).
Sofsky, W. Privacy—A Manifesto. Princeton University Press (Princeton, NJ: 2008).
Solomon, E. Virtual Money—Understanding the Power and Risks of Money’s High-Speed Journey into Electronic Space. Oxford University Press (New York, NY: 1997).
Solove, D. The Future of Reputation—Gossip, rumour and privacy on the internet. Yale University Press (New Haven, CT: 2007).
Standage, T, Ed. The Future of Technology. Profile (London, UK: 2005).
Watson, R. Future Files—A Brief History of the Next 50 Years. Nicholas Brearley (London: 2010).
Weatherford, J. The History of Money. Three Rivers (New York, NY: 1997).